What is the Difference Between Roller Door and Roller Shutter?

November 10, 2020

Many people think that the terms roller door and roller shutter are interchangeable, and both mean the same thing.  They are often used in this way, but there actually is a difference!  We’re here to help you gain some clarity around this misconception and give you the knowledge behind what they actually mean.

What is a roller door?

So, what is a roller door specifically?  They are often known as high-speed doors or rapid roll doors and are commonly used for industrial properties that don’t require full heavy-duty protection.  They are one sheet of either aluminium or steel and have a fast open/close feature that shutters don’t have.  Their rapid-fire motion means that they are great for high traffic environments, being able to maintain internal temperatures and also provide a compartmentalisation option within your building.

What is a roller shutter?

If the roller door is the lightweight option, you’d be right in assuming that roller shutters are the heavy-duty option.  Roller shutters feature unique interlocking aluminium or steel slats instead of the one sheet design of the roller door, which gives them all of their strength. You’ll see these being used in a multitude of different environments including retail stores, schools, shopping centres, hospitals, universities and more.  They provide protection of properties from vandalism, theft and break-ins due to their heavy-duty nature.  Roller shutters can also be insulated and provide energy efficient solutions for your building including thermal insulation, acoustic insulation and they stop unwanted vermin from being able to enter.

A little history

You might be interested to know that roller doors first came on the scene in the 1970’s.  Rolflex Nederland began to introduce roller doors to the industry as a replacement for the revolving door.  Being used primarily to protect warehouses, the use of roller doors became widespread as businesses became aware of the unique functionality benefits and improvements that roller doors provide.

As the decades rolled on, the necessity to find energy-saving measures for businesses and labour-saving options for employees increased and the use of roller doors showed their essential use for industry and commercial sites.  They provided a stable source for many benefits including effective insulation, protecting goods and employees from exterior pollutions and hazards, and a reduction in energy consumption.

In more recent times, roller shutters (especially in the Australian marketplace) have become quintessential for businesses as their added strength and durability provide the required level of protection required for goods and for workers against extreme weather such as bushfires and storms.

Roller shutters have been integrated with many extra technological advancements such as remote controls, solar power, and new operating systems making their automatic use simplistic and intuitive.

Which one best suits your business?

Now that you know what the difference is, your next question is probably ‘which one is for me?’.  They both provide security for your building when your roller shutter or door is in action.  Most light industrial properties that do not require heavy-duty protection will opt for the use of a roller door, whereas roller shutters can be used for both light and heavy industrial properties.

Smaller commercial contexts such as every day retailers have employed aluminium roller doors because of their lightweight operation and sleek aesthetic appeal.  These single-sheet rollers are fast, easy and light without negating on being able to secure your premises.

Roller shutters are for those businesses who are after the heavy-duty.  Protection may be needed against extreme weather events and crime, as well as providing innovative ease of use with automatic openers and solar generated power, the slatted framework of roller shutters provides that extra level of strength to your roller options.

Contact us to find out more

If you are considering installing a roller door or shutter for your building, why not chat with one of our team to help you decide!  We work with all types of roller doors, shutters, grilles and more, and our technicians are experts in the field.  They can help you to decide which one will suit your business or property and can answer any other questions you might have.  Call our team today and get underway on your roller door or shutter installation.

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